Know how

Affairs public

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Alinea is one of the very first French firms to appear on the Transparency Register of the European Commission and the European Parliament. As a firm committed in public affairs since its creation in 2006, in France and in Brussels, Alinea has established itself over time as a respected interlocutor of national and European decision-makers.


Our regular contributions in the national and European legislative procedures, as well as our regular contacts with the French State and the European institutions, strongly contribute to our expertise in the legislative frameworks applicable to professional organizations, regardless of the  sector:

  • We assist our clients, including interbranch organizations, associations or unions, to enable them to anticipate and integrate legislative and regulatory developments into their development. We counsel them for the definition of an institutional strategy and create with them the necessary tools for their intervention.

In particular, in the very specific context of agricultural and agri-food sectors and professions, we represent, advise and assist our clients in all their interventions and exchanges with the public decision-makers, the government and its representations to the European Union, the European Commission, the French and European parliamentarians, the central and decentralized administration.

  • At the operational level, the firm and our team are duly registered in the Transparency Register of the European Commission and the European Parliament, which is yet optional. This registration, as an expression of our commitment to greater transparency in our relations with the institutions, also allows us to meet the senior officials from the European Commission, to contribute to its public consultations on behalf of our clients and to access the European Parliament. Naturally, the firm is also on the list of registered interest representatives of the French National Assembly and acts in accordance with the code of conduct governing the legal profession.

EGALIM Act, “Loi d’avenir”, development of rural territories, European regulation establishing a common organization of the markets in agricultural products and “Omnibus” regulation, air quality or European trade negotiations with third countries… these are, or have been, valuable opportunities for our team to build a transparent and effective methodology to contribute to the development of standards and thus become a regular interlocutor of French and European public authorities.