Regulations of agri-food productions

Alinea, Avocats Associés has developed a practice and expertise relating to the many areas of law involved in the production and marketing of agri-food products.
In a transversal manner, our team’s activities focus in particular on the legal support of organizations, under both national and European law, within the framework of:
- The creation, export, distribution and defense of their products, quality schemes, brands
- The placing of their productions on the market, particularly with regard to the complex labeling methods
- The fight against unfair commercial practices in the food chain
- The implementation of approaches for the promotion of environmentally friendly production methods, as well as in their relations with the authorities concerning measures and assistance in this area. Alinea, Avocats Associés fully integrates environmental issues as part of its assistance to professionals and sectors.
As part of these actions on behalf of many agri-food sectors, Alinea, Avocats Associés has been able to enrich its expertise in areas as varied as the general and specific food law (ex. precautionary principle, hygiene, labeling, genetically modified organisms), environmental law (ex. classified installations for the environmental – ICPE), the regulation on quality schemes in the animal and crop sector as well as in the specific wine sector (ex. Label Rouge, PDO / PGI, organic production), the specific marketing standards resulting from the Common Market Organization of agricultural products, the issues related to trade agreements with third countries for certain sensitive sectors (ex CETA, TTIP, Mercosur, future negotiations with Australia and New Zealand), without forgetting the multilateral aspects of foreign trade (ex. WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures).